How’s it Hangin’, Tyrone?
Sometime in Winter. What a cool cat! Not much else one can really say, is there? Pehaps “My, what a big mouth!”?
Reed Mowing Robin
Septemberish. We were thinking of sending this video to Jeremy Clarkson of “Clarkson’s Farm” and asking if we could perhaps borrow his Lamborghini tractor instead…These are some pretty tenacious invaders (not “invasives”) and are there because we have some wet land. The rest of the grass is really good, so the animals tend to leave them alone.
Barn Brush Flock
August. We let the brush grow up next to the barn before letting the girls (and our best boy, Zippy) have at it! It didn’t take too many days for this all to be munched down to the ground.
Lush Back Yard
June. Amazing just how quickly things finally green up around here and just grow and grow! The rain certainly helps and we got a lot of it this year.
New Chickens
Late Spring 2021. The world need more chickens, yes it really does…and so does Robin (yeah, right)! These were rescued as tiny chicks from an “unfortunate situation” and were meant to be temporary residents of Coverts Corner. At first it’s…we’re not keepng any, then…I like the buffs, then it’s…ooh, that one’s nice, and before you know it you’ve got more chickens!
White Birch Firewood
Late Spring 2021. This tree was left stading after the logging operation. Sadly it was then blown down in a wind storm, so I cut it up for firewood. The reason the stump is upright is beacause it suddenly stood upright again when I was working my way down the final trunk. I could have ended 25 feet up in the air!
Field View
Late Spring 2021. Here’ a panorama of the field we’re working on. It’s coming along nicley and is growing plenty of good grass for the sheep. Too bad they don’t eat those coarse grass spikey tufts you can see.
Nature Walkie
February 2021. On a beautiful, sunny, winter day Robin took the goats and sheep out for what we call a “nature walkie.” She look like she’s having a good time, wouldn’t you say?
January 2021. Here’s a trip down the driveway with a little snow around.