The Year was 2018…

…and here are a few of the goings on at Coverts Corner for that year.

Christmas Goats

December 24th, 2018. ‘Twas the day before Christmas and the goats of Coverts Corner were feasting. Well, all except Zippy, that is. He was doing his best “faithful dog” impression. It was almost as if he was worried about being replaced by a representative of “Man’s Best Friend”. No need to worry, Zippy, you’re here for the long run. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Chickens

December 24th, 2018. ‘Twas the day before Christmas and it was strangely warm around here. The chickens had been plastic-wrapped for the snow season, but bugs were on the move outside. Naturally they wanted out…

Bale from the Field

December 2018. Some round hay bales are stored out in the field. Here Robin retrieves one (of two) for transport back to the barnyard and sheep pen. In the latter, it will feed them for a week. Looks tricky? Yes, it is..that’s why I’m the one filming it!

Corn Crib Clean-Out

November 2018. This was an unexpected treat! Jimmy needed his corn crib emptied to make way for this season’s harvest. It sort-of ferments, but in a really bad way. Then, when it rots, it really stinks, believe us! Sheep poop doesn’t even smell this bad!

Messing With Tyrone

October 2018. So, Tyrone was our only indoor cat until Miss Kitty (our barn cat) had to move indoors for medical reasons. She has her own room upstairs, but Tyrone is still not too happy with her being around, especially when she goes a-roaming. In this video Tyrone reacts to yet another kitty (or so he thinks) we brought back from the Sandwich Fair!

Dudley-Florence Update

September 2018. See also “Dudley, Meet Florence” below for comparison. It’s amazing how fast the water from the remnants of “Florence” has gone down. This is just over a day later. The sheep were able to get out to the meadow using the bridge over the disusued dam.

“Lakies” Updated

September 2018. The new Lakenvelder chickens (AKA “Lovely Lakies”) are growing fast and are nearly ready for the Deerfield Fair happening next week. There’s six cockerels and seven pullets, a pretty good statistical outcome. Much crowing in the early morning happens – the joy of living in the country. Nice chickens too and they really like cucumbers.


Dudley, Meet Florence

September 2018. The other day the remnants of Hurricane Florence came through and dropped 4 inches of rain in about 12 hours. The normally small and placid Dudley Brook, which forms one of Coverts Corner’s boundaries, swelled massively, so much so that the sheep bridge was washed out (first clip). The bridge over the disused dam also became submerged in a torrent of water, although it stayed in place (later clip). Tough luck on the sheep because they won’t be getting to the nice grass in the meadows until the water goes down.

Max To The Swamp (And Back)

August 2018. This strange looking beast Robin is driving is called a “Max”. It’s an ATV skid-steerer and (wait for it) it also floats on and can navigate water! So I guess it really is an ATV. Here’s a trip to the swamp and back.

New Lakies

August 2018. OK, it’s been quite a while since we posted any new videos. Well, better late than never and here are our newest Lakenvelder chickens. They just moved out of the barn into their new digs, evicting a previous batch of Americana and Wyndottes (that are now establishing themselves the pecking order of the main flock = getting their asses kicked!). The “Lakies” are destined for showing at the Deerfield Fair in late September.